Montgomery Bell Academy's Spaghetti Supper is a beloved tradition, and this year marks the 80th annual event!
The Spaghetti Supper is a community builder and the MBA Mothers Club’s largest fundraiser. Money raised directly benefits students and faculty. Historically it is time to gather with family, friends, and supporters of MBA who share a meal before the Homecoming Game. And we are delighted to gather in person in the Burkholder Wellness Center!
There are lots of ways you can join in the fun and support Spaghetti Supper:
- Our bake sale will treat our boys to some wonderful baked goods during break time!
- Purchase a Bake Sale Punch Card for your son to use on purchases. Make sure to stop by yourself for some incredible homemade treats!
- Purchase student-designed Homecoming t-shirt for boys and their dates.
- Order radiant red and butter n’ cream mums to decorate with this fall season.
- Support the Second Harvest food and peanut butter drive.
We look forward to celebrating the 80th annual Spaghetti Supper and hope to see you there!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions about Spaghetti Supper.
Ali Davis and Lauren Ross
80th Annual Spaghetti Supper Co-Chairs